Data Analysis & Services
Envision supplies a range of data services for marine, spatial- and non-spatial data sets, which enable complex information to be easily interpreted and understood.
Imagery Analysis
Envision has considerable expertise of analysing underwater imagery to identify and enumerate fauna, flora and habitats along with other metadata and evidence of human impacts. Footage can be reviewed for various assessments including Annex 1 habitats or species, biogenic and non-biogenic reefs and other features of conservation interest using current guidance.
Envision have analysed underwater imagery from numerous sites around the UK and internationally in a variety of habitats and areas, including marine protected areas, offshore wind farms, cable routes, nuclear and tidal/wave power development sites. In collaboration with JNCC and CEFAS, Envision have developed protocols for imagery analysis, as well as taking part in JNCC research to investigate optimisation of epibenthic imagery analysis, and developed quality assurance tests for NMBAQC.
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
GIS are used to store, manipulate and manage spatial datasets. Using GIS allows specialist analysis to be carried out and complex data sets to be presented through easily understandable maps and illustrations.
Data Visualisation
Using illustration and graphic design tools, data can be visualised using static graphical content, animated movies and 3D models, and interactive visualisation tools and presentations can be commissioned for web hosting or event displays. Drawings of marine life, habitats, processes or data can also be produced to illustrate concepts and enhance the presentation of information.
Data models are built using existing and bespoke datasets within GIS and spatial analysis packages. These allow for complex relationships and interactions to be modelled and marine areas to be mapped and characterised for environmental, fisheries and spatial planning scenarios.
Quality Management
Envision has a wealth of experience and familiarity with datasets collected for marine environmental and mapping purposes. Where it is required, Envision can ensure quality data is collected in the correct manner using appropriate standards or operation procedures. Data can also be analysed and checked to ensure the quality of the data and that it is fit for purpose and function. These quality assurance and control procedures provide a level of confidence in datasets and results which can remove ambiguity and confusion and allow best use of expensive datasets.