About Envision
Envision was formed in 2001 as a spinout from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in response to growing demand for the skills acquired through their research.
We are an innovative business with an emphasis on research and participate in many collaborative initiatives with other research groups and organisations. Envision has a reputation as one of the leading groups in the development of sea floor mapping techniques and biological interpretation of acoustic data of the sea floor.
Envision can also undertake detailed, high-resolution marine surveys in addition to rapid resource assessment lower-resolution surveys. We carry out data analysis and presentation, using advanced statistical and image-processing techniques, to produce high-quality products in a variety of formats. The company is well-equipped to undertake marine survey, using a range of acoustic equipment and can also provide high quality benthic video survey & analysis, and carry out standard sampling techniques, such as grabs and cores.
At Envision, we believe in adding value to every project we undertake, using our diverse skill set and depth of experience to develop the most appropriate products and advice. Our high number of return customers know they can depend on Envision for a thoughtful and thorough approach to addressing marine and coastal matters in an efficient, responsive and professional manner. Contact Envision to find out how we can help meet your requirements.